
Renaissance in Local Anesthesia

Dr. Stanley Malamed, DDS

  • course

02/27/2023 - 03/08/2023

Self-Paced Course

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Doctor Stanley Malamed’s popular and always sold-out course is now available for you to stream online!

Presented by Stanley F Malamed, DDS

The Renaissance of Local Anesthesia course will bring you the latest on the prevention and management of pain with local anesthetics.

This course may be streamed at your convenience over an eight-day period starting February 27 through March 8 on your mobile device or computer at your home or office.

The four-hour video plus handouts will give you EIGHT units of continuing education credit for each course.

Webinars, conferences. Don’t miss out on our major upcoming events.


Pulpotomy as permanent treatment of irreversible pulpitis in mature molars

02 June 2022



Prof. Julian G. Leprince, UCLouvain, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, DRIM research group

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  • Des webinaires en direct et en reprise pour apprendre des meilleurs orateurs en dentisterie.
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