
Pulpotomy as permanent treatment of irreversible pulpitis in mature molars


Prof. Julian G. Leprince, UCLouvain, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, DRIM research group

  • Webinar

02 June 2022

08:00 PM


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Watch our webinar with Pr. Julian Leprince: Pulpotomy as permanent treatment of irreversible pulpitis in mature molars.

During this webinar, Prof. Leprince presents the design and results of the non-randomised clinical trial: “Short-Term Pain Evolution and Treatment Success.” You will discover the key elements of the diagnosis of pulpitis, explore the realm of pulpotomy, and review the intro-operative clinical criteria.

Join our New 1CE Webinar: Bioceramic Sealers in Endodontics: What’s the big deal? with Lauren E. Kuhn, DMD, MSD


Bioceramic Sealers in Endodontics: What’s the big deal?




Dr. Lauren E. Kuhn, DMD, MSD

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