Managing Young Patients’ Pain – Dr. Barry Oulton

Dr. Barry Oulton shares his tried-and-tested strategies for keeping your younger patients comfortable in the chair.

As a dentist, you know more than anyone that children are very special patients. The myth that a visit to the dentist should be a traumatic experience makes your job even more difficult with children who may scream, cry, or struggle … which can be hard to manage effectively.

Discover how to manage young patients’ pain with Dr. Barry Oulton! Communication, language, rapport building, or techniques… he will discuss different topics and share with you some tips, which, we hope, will help you in your daily practice.

Our young patients are the future of our business. Creating confidence and comfort in dentistry now increases the chances of wants-based dentistry later. Invest in your future, take special care of your child patients now. ”

– Dr. Barry Oulton

Patient Communication

Younger patients’ language

Younger patients rapport

Younger patient’s injection technique

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