Discover our new Case Studies Collection n°23

Led by Prof. Nabiha Douki Zbidi, Dr. Mohamed Rafik Cherif, and Dr. Asma Saad, the exploration of endodontic periodontal lesions provides a comprehensive understanding of enhanced management strategies. Discover Dr. Sascha Herbst and Prof. Falk Schwendicke’s insights on the preservation of vitality after dental trauma, while they shed light on the effective application of hydraulic calcium silicate cements. Uncover Dr. Fabiano Souza Pereira’s advocacy for bioactive sealers as the optimal choice for filling root canals in teeth with apical periodontitis. Explore how Dr. Shaurya Srivastava navigates the intricacies of differential diagnosis in resorption, unraveling the nuances of effective diagnosis and management. Additionally, discover how the use of Biodentine® in pulpotomy procedures can help you in cases involving both immature permanent and deciduous teeth, presenting a holistic view of cutting-edge practices in modern endodontics.

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