Master the Art of Saving Teeth

In today’s world, reputation is paramount. For dental professionals, maintaining a positive image hinges on the ability to save more teeth, optimize chair time through minimally invasive procedures, and enhance the patient experience. Indeed, the prospect of preserving dental structures not only benefits patients but also elevates practice success and reputation. This article delves into the multifaceted advantages of employing Biodentine® in dental practice, illustrating how this innovative biomaterial can revolutionize patient care, streamline procedures, and bolster professional standing.

Reputation is everything nowadays. Discover how you can keep a positive image by saving more teeth, optimizing your chair time thanks to a minimally-invasive procedure and, improving your patients’ experience.

Needless to say, a treatment allowing more teeth to be saved is good news for everyone. Your patients, your practice, and your reputation. Quick overview of the situation.

As a dentist, you know how healthy teeth can actively contribute to patients ’well-being. This is why removing a tooth is never done without careful consideration. As a dental professional, you may also realize that a missing tooth affects the body on multiple levels, and can have many repercussions.1 Patients are mainly affected by a reduction of the masticatory coefficient and an impact on antagonist teeth or aesthetic damages. However, more serious health conditions have also recently been linked to dental loss, especially chronic diseases such as diabetes2, cardiac3, pulmonary or bone diseases4. In summary, even one tooth loss is undesirable, in any situation.

Biodentine can help you save more teeth and boost your business on different levels. In this article, you will discover all the benefits your practice could enjoy from saving more teeth. You’ll see that using the right product may not only improve patients’ experience but also help you save time and, ultimately, have a positive impact on your reputation.

I. Transform your patients’ experience

36% of individuals are afraid to go to the dentist according to an English study

As with any healthcare procedure, no one goes to the dentist joyfully, and many patients worry about pain or dealing with uncertainty. That’s why emotions associated with dentistry are most often negative. An English study indicates that 36% of individuals are afraid to go to the dentist and that 12% even suffer from extreme fear.5 Feelings of discomfort, fear of pain, traumatic experiences, or fear of aesthetic damages… The sources of apprehension vary as much as the patients who come into your clinic every day. As a healthcare professional, a big part of your mission is to relieve patients ’fear. In fact, it’s easy to improve their experience in your clinic, through small actions that can make big differences.

People pay for dental care, but they also pay for a pleasant and satisfactory visit. How can you meet this demand? By using a powerful lever: relief. Of course, this means pain relief, but it can also mean relief from using a minimally-invasive method for dental care. Losing a tooth or undergoing a root canal treatment is a major and sometimes complex procedure. With Biodentine, you save your patient’s tooth without pain, decrease negative psychological impact, streamline your care, and save time. Your patient’s experience radically improves compared to the alternative treatment, leading to higher levels of satisfaction.

You have the means to break the cycle whereby patients associate the dentist with fear or pain, and this will permanently transform how your dental practice is perceived. The formula for success is to simplify your work, highlight your skills, and positively change your patients’ perceptions.

II. Get control over your time (and your patients’ time)

Conventional treatments have many advantages but one major drawback: they are extremely time-consuming. Root canal treatment, for instance, requires extensive work time over several sessions, meaning your patient may be asked to return, reducing your available chair time. Even in the medical world, gaining efficiency and productivity is key to a successful practice. Biodentine is designed to allow you to perform a minimally invasive procedure with very few sessions, in the case of vital pulp therapy. You spend less time on each procedure, and your patient won’t be required to book multiple sessions to finalize their treatment. As a result, your schedule is considerably lighter, leaving you more time to see other patients.

Time-saving is not only advantageous for you but also for your patient. By using Biodentine, you help them to avoid multiple appointments (and the potential risk of renewed treatment).

Modern dental treatments reshape the care journey by adapting to the contemporary concerns of patients and healthcare workers. In an era of performance, time is the most precious commodity and the biggest issue. Getting more control over our schedules is a very important step toward profitability. But that’s not all. Beyond saving time for everyone, avoiding unnecessary extractions could transform your patients’ experience in your dental practice. It’s one way you can start to transform your business sustainably.

III. Improve your business reputation

We’ve just shown that patient satisfaction is a precious thing. It is a key part of building a good reputation outside the walls of your clinic. But there’s more: people will start recognizing you like a dentist who saves more teeth. This helps to set you apart in the competitive world of dental healthcare. News travels fast these days, and specific skills in this domain are a founding block to building your reputation. At the end of the day, it is all a matter of how your patients, both present and future, perceive you. To be successful in the long term, you must not only rely on a quality practice but also ensure your knowledge and skills are recognized: that’s why the brand image is your best ally.

Maintaining a positive image is crucial nowadays. Dentists are not exempt from this rule of business: people form opinions by looking at online reviews, they seek recommendations from their close friends and family, and they remain loyal to the practitioner who has provided good treatment. If you can bring patients satisfaction and relief, you are giving yourself the best gift of all: a set of ambassadors ready to recommend you in their social circle. This virtuous cycle will enlarge your client list and propel your dental practice toward sustainability and profitability.

Let us conclude this article with a reminder: to be a successful dentist, it is crucial to apply the same high standards to every aspect of your business. High-quality care is an obvious one, but don’t forget to work on perception and reputation as key factors to take into consideration. Einstein summed up this need in the following sentence: “Therefore, as healthcare professionals, we need to provide more than just a service to people who depend on us, but rather a global solution that exceeds their initial expectations. To satisfy these needs, we have designed Biodentine, a product that effectively enables you to save more teeth and provide optimal care, while you build an excellent reputation. It’s official: a small act of care can deeply transform lives.

To be remembered:

  • With Biodentine, you save your patient’s tooth without pain and decrease the negative psychological impact.
  • Biodentine is designed to allow you to perform a minimally invasive procedure with very few sessions.


  1. Khan, S. U., Ghani, F., & Nazir, Z. (2018). The effect of some missing teeth on a subjects’ oral health related quality of life. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 34(6), 1457–1462.

  2. Julkunen, A., Heikkinen, A. M., Söder, B., Söder, P. Ö., Toppila-Salmi, S., & Meurman, J. H. (2017). Autoimmune Diseases and Oral Health: 30-Year Follow-Up of a Swedish Cohort. Dentistry journal, 6(1), 1.

  3. University of Helsinki. (2016, August 2). Hidden tooth infections may predispose people to heart disease. ScienceDaily. Retrieved May 5, 2021 from

  4. National Institutes of Health Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases National Resource Center. Oral Health and Bone Disease. NIH Publication No. 18-7882. Last Reviewed 2018-11.

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