Septodont Acquires Biomedical Tissues

We are delighted to announce that Septodont has completed the acquisition of Biomedical Tissues (BMT), a French MedTech company at the forefront of tissue engineering. The company designs, produces, and commercializes implantable membranes for tissue regeneration.

Located in Nantes (western France) and founded ten years ago by a team of R&D scientists, the company uses a unique patented technology to manufacture synthetic microfibers and make clinical procedures easier and faster, while improving patient comfort and recovery time.

Their unique existing product in the dental market is a resorbable bilayer synthetic membrane which brand name is TISSEOS® – a biomimetic tissue-engineered matrix – indicated in Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) and Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) in periodontal and dental surgery.

With Biomedical Tissues, Septodont will further enhance its presence in the regeneration and surgery areas. We expect to leverage our established global presence and commercial strength to accelerate growth and patient access to membranes.

Building on Biomedical Tissues’ expertise in membrane manufacturing, we have an excellent opportunity to create compelling value in dental implantology by bringing innovative technology to dentists and patients worldwide.

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